My Learning Curve - Part 1
7. Photographic Bibliography

I only detail below those books I've found most useful to date. I have given a score Ex 10 from the point of view of providing inspiration and advice that really helped to improve my images while being easy to read.
Rouse, Andy. Wildlife Travel Photography: A Guide To Taking Better Pictures - 9.5. Superb photography guide, a real goldmine of 'summarized' and well written information with many great images - 1st Edition. Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd.
ISBN – 1 74059 900 4
Rouse, Andy. Digital SLR Handbook - 9. Another great allround book from Andy Rouse 2005. Photographers' Institue Press.
ISBN – 1 86108 425 0
Rouse, Andy. Understanding RAW Photography - 9.5. Simply a must have book for the DSLR user packed with practical tips and superb information. 2007. Photographers' Institute Press.
ISBN – 978 1 86108 515 3
Rouse, Andy. Concepts of Nature - A wildlife Photographer's Journey - 7. 2008. Argentum.
ISBN – 978 1 90253 525
Rouse, Andy. Life in the Wild - A Photographer's Year - 8. 2004. Photographers' Institute Press.
ISBN – 1 86108 420 x
Morris, Arthur. The Art of Bird Photography - 9. A must have text for any bird photographer, packed with years worth of experiences. 2003, Amphoto Books
ISBN – 0 8174 3542 5
Illg, Cathy and Gordon. Dynamic Wildlife Photography - 7. 2004, Amherst Media
ISBN – 1 58428 130 8
Silliker, Jr., Bill. The Master Guide for Wildlife Photographers - 7. 2004, Amherst Media
ISBN – 1 58428 114 6
Weston, Chris. Nature Photography, Insider Secrets from the World's Top Digital Photography Professionals - 9.5. Superb book packed with much harderned information, a real must for the wildlife photographer. 2008. Focal Press.
ISBN – 978 0 240 81016 4
Weston, Chris. Digital Wildlife Photography - 7. 2005. Photographers Institute Press.
ISBN – 1 86108 480 3
Weston, Chris. Mastering Digital Exposure and HDR Imaging - 8. A very interesting and informative book 2008. RotoVision.
ISBN – 978 2 88893 150 8
Gomersall, Chris. Photographing Wild Birds - 6. 2001. A David & Charles Book.
ISBN – 0 7153 1113 1
ISBN – 0 7153 2144 7
Zuckerman, Jim. Capturing Drama in Nature Photography - 7. 2000. Writer's Digest Books.
ISBN – 0 89879 991 0
Frost, Lee. The Complete Guide to Night & Low-Light Photography - 8. 2001. A David & Charles Book.
ISBN – 13 978 0 7153 1274 2
ISBN – 10 0 7153 1274 X
Frost, Lee. The A-Z of Creative Digital Photography - 6. 2001. A David & Charles Book.
ISBN – 13 978 0 7153 2287 7
ISBN – 10 0 7153 2299 0
Frost, Lee. Photos That Sell - 6. 2001. A David & Charles Book.
ISBN – 13 978 0 7153 1115 8
ISBN – 10 0 7153 1800 4
Frost, Lee. The Photographer's Guide To Filters - 6. 2001. A David & Charles Book.
ISBN – 13 978 0 7153 1233 2
ISBN – 10 0 7153 1400 9
Peterson, Bryan. Understanding Exposure, Revised Edition - 8. Great text on exposure, though a bit dated. 2004 Amphoto Books.
ISBN – 0 8174 6300 3
Cornish, Joe. First Light a Landscape Photographer’s Art - 6. 2002. Argentum.
ISBN - 1 902538 24 2
Mackie, Tom. Photos With Impact - 6. 2006. A David & Charles Book.
ISBN - 13 978 0 7153 1505 7
ISBN - 10 0 7153 1506 4
Mackie, Tom. Landscape Photography Secrets - 8. 2006. A David & Charles Book.
ISBN - 0 71543 2296 6
ISBN - 0 7153 2302 4
Martin, Giles & Loaec, Ronan. Macrophotography - 7. 2006. Abrams.
ISBN - 0 8109 9117 9
Folsom, William. Art and Science of Butterfly Photography - 6. Quite a dated text now, but still some useful gems to be gleaned. 2000. Amerherst Media Inc.
ISBN - 1 58428 019 0
ISBN - 1 58428 019 0
Coster, Bill. Creative Bird Photography - 7. 2009. New Holland.
ISBN - 1 58428 019 0
Edwardes, Guy. 100 Ways to Take Better Landscape Photographs - 9. Superb book, a must have along with his Nature/Wildlife book.2005. David and Charles
ISBN - 10 0 7153 1993 0
Edwardes, Guy. 100 Ways to Take Better Nature and Wildlife Photographs - 9. Superb book, a must have along with his landscape book. 2009. David and Charles.
ISBN - 10 0 7153 3148 5
Ross Hodinot. Digital Macro Photography - 8. Good general macro and DSLR book. 2007. Photographers' Institute Press.
ISBN - 978 1 86108 530 6
Robert Thompson. Close-up & Macro a Photographer's Guide - 8.5. A must have macro book. 2009. David and Charles.
ISBN - 0 7153 1903 5
Sue Bishop. Photographing Flowers - 7. 2009. Photographers' Institute Press.
ISBN - 1 86108 413 7
David Tipling. Digital Wildlife Photography -7.5 . 2007. Firefly Books Ltd.
ISBN - 1 55407 305 7
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